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Past Artwork

La Migración en los Años 1980s y la Migración en el Año 2020 (Migration in the 1980s and migration in the year 2020)

Venuca Evanán Vivanco

Artwork image for La Migración en los Años 1980s y la Migración en el Año 2020 (Migration in the 1980s and migration in the year 2020)


This drawing documents two different cycles of migration in Lima, Peru. The 1980s in Peru were marked by an internal conflict between the Maoist guerrilla group Shining Path and the Peruvian military. Most of the violence occurred in the mountainous and high-altitude region of Ayacucho, where the artist’s family is from. Many fled, a lot of them on foot, from this rural region to the capital city of Lima. Forty years later, the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic affected Lima deeply. High case counts coupled with high unemployment rates and the unaffordability of the city forced people to flee Lima and go back to their hometowns in rural areas.

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ArtworxTO Hub SOUTH | Union Station - PAST EXHIBITION

This hub was located at 65 Front St W, Toronto, ON M5J 2L5

Curator: Maya Wilson-Sanchez

The bustling central commuter corridor is remodeled as a creative community destination. Pass through this year to find various projects, events and activations including "I am land," a three-part exhibition series curated by Maya Wilson-Sanchez that explores the role of the artist as a chronicler.